NOTE: This video was created by Osmosis.
In this content delivery model, the student accesses content and instruction through a blend of face-to-face instruction and digital learning opportunities.
It requires the physical presence of both teacher and student, with some element of student control over time, place, path, or pace.
Key aspects of Blended Learning
Flipped Learning is an instructional model where direct instruction is delivered digitally (video, audio, reading) so it can be accessed during independent time. It is a very efficient teaching method because it:
Teachers using blended or flipped models need to adjust their teaching practices from traditional methods to best use their class-time:
Create classroom routines. We are creatures of habit. Routines are especially important in classrooms. Change up some of the routines when coming into class so activities such as pair-work, forming groups, spelling tests, speaking in front of others etc. become automatic.
Help with more difficult concepts
Part of learning is being outside of your comfort zone. This does not mean, however, that a student should be so uncomfortable that they cannot succeed. Explain in detail some of the more “hard” content.
Correct when needed
When learning without direct teaching, students may get off track or misunderstand key concepts. Part of your time circulating through groups or individuals should be spent ensuring understanding, and correcting any misconceptions as they come up.
Check for understanding
Question the students often on the key points by asking individuals about the content. Often, if one student has a question or is unclear about something, others are too. You can address the students as a large group at the beginning of class, ask questions as you circulate, or a combination of both.